Our Services
All our services are FREE!
Our centre number is: CMA395
Client Guide to our Connect Process
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If you’re looking for free debt help from a friendly team, then you’ve come to the right place. Hull & East Yorkshire Community Money Advice Connect has been launched to help hundreds of people get out of debt every year across the Hull & East Yorkshire region, equipping them with the tools and confidence to face any storms that may come their way in the future.
Our free debt help service is face-to-face so you get practical help and a supportive community around you through whatever challenges you’re facing. We’ll help you find the best route out of debt, and walk with you every step of the way.
There are various options that exist to help you deal with your debt problems. These include bankruptcy, debt relief orders, debt management plans, administration orders, debt consolidation and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs). Our downloadable PDF leaflet explains how they work and whether they might be right for you.
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Recent years have seen a continuing increase in the number of people whose lives are blighted with money worries. There has also been a sustained rise in the demand for money advice.
Our centre provides a free, confidential advice service to the people of Hull and East Yorkshire, informing them of their rights and entitlements in areas such as Universal Credit and other welfare benefits.
Contact us to book an appointment
Money Saving
We want to save you money, so we beat the system and do the hard work for you. We always look out for the best local and national savings to be had, so you can save money.
We are dedicated to cutting your household bills and helping you find some of the best consumer deals on the market.
Try us, book an appointment today and let us help you save money.
Money Advice
Money Courses
All Our Money Courses Are FREE
At Hull & East Yorkshire Community Money Advice Connect, we believe so strongly in the importance of money education and financial capability that we have partnered with Crosslight Advice to provide this course to our community members. We want our courses to be accessible to everyone, without the barrier of having to pay in order to take part.
Please visit our dedicated Courses page for further information on our free Money Courses.